Verification Policy
What is verification?
Verification is a federal process instituted by the US Department of Education to verify information provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
The U.S. Department of Education selects students for verification. You can see on your FAFSA comments if you have been selected for the verification process. UH Maui College (全球网赌十大网站) may select students for verification if we find conflicting information on your financial aid application.
The verification process is designed to request information and documents from students in order to compare it to the information the student entered on their FAFSA application. If any data does not match, we may request additional documentation in order to correct the student's FAFSA and update the conflicting information. If you are found to have purposely misled or provided false documentation to obtain financial aid funds, 全球网赌十大网站 can report this, with evidence, to the Office of the Inspector General for review.
Verification deadlines
A student selected for verification has no later than 30 days prior to the last date of the semester to submit complete and signed verification paperwork. If you do not submit all verification paperwork by the deadline your file will not be complete and you may not be awarded financial aid.
Review of verification documents
Beginning with the 2021-2022 FAFSA, the University of Hawai'i Maui College will begin using an online service called ProVerifier (powered by Proed) to assist with completing the verification process for students. Students selected for verification will first receive an email from UH Maui College's Financial Aid Office ( and then a follow-up email will be sent from the University of Hawai'i Community College (UHCC) System Financial Aid Office ( The second email will generally be sent a day after the first and will include more instructions with regard to completing the verification process through the online ProVerifier website. Students will need to log in to ProVerifier with their UH username and password.
Keeping track of your status
Monitor your Student Requirements section in the Financial Aid section of your My UH Services portal for the current status of your documents. 全球网赌十大网站 will send you emails to your UH email account to notify you of missing or incomplete documents.
If you are selected for verification after you have already been awarded
If you have been selected for verification during the semester you have been awarded aid for, you will have until the last day of the semester to turn in any required verification documents. If there are corrections that need to be made to your FAFSA, please be aware that your financial aid awards may change. Those changes may require you to pay back financial aid. You will be notified by email of any changes to your financial aid award.